We are Well Beings Unleashed.

If you celebrate and want to honor animals as much as I want to, and if you’re motivated to get healthier for the sake of your fur babies, then joint health coaching sessions may be for you. If you want to identify and meet more holistic health goals to achieve balance in your life, vitality, and have fun along the way, joint coaching sessions with your animal companion may be for you. If you just want to learn new approaches to caring for your dogs (and other animals soon), addressing diet, energy, environment, behavior, emotions, and any ailments, sessions for your dog alone may be for you. There are many parallels between animal and human health. Addressing all areas of one’s life is a good place to start as the prescription for better health.

I love and respect animals from wildlife to farm to companion animals. Dogs are my cause. Dog people are my people. I believe there are many people like me - people who’ll be motivated to get healthy WITH their dogs and FOR their dogs who depend on them, AND that many people want more HELP GETTING THEIR DOGS TO OPTIMAL WELL-BEING, too, especially people like me who count their dogs among their most cherished loved ones or even THE most important beings and relationships in their lives.

My wellness consults are another way for you and your animals to bond and to do it while taking care of each other on a higher level. I just shine a light on the path to guide you. Once the coaching program is done, you will have developed sustainable habits, made manageable lifestyle changes, and seen progress toward goals for yourselves and your dogs. All you need to do is stay on course. You can always extend the program, take our digital course instead, join our virtual membership (to come) or reach out again with any new challenges where you could benefit from a coach and a dog health advocate.

I’ve self-identified as an animal advocate for a long time, and now I’m here to advocate for your animals and for you. I’m here to mentor, support, and cheer you on while you take on your own health marathon - mind, body, and soul, step by step - and improve your dog’s well-being and health span. Work with me … and unleash your family’s well-being.