A comprehensive, holistic product guide with tips for well-being that'll have your dog giving two paws up. 

Programs & Services For Dogs

Single Sessions:
Holistic Health Guidance

Holistic health consults for dog parents to improve daily living and resilience in your dogs by offering guidance for disease prevention and balanced well-being - mind, body & spirit.

Get actionable and digestible information and coaching through manageable changes to better care for your dogs with personalized recommendations on lifestyle, environment and behavior.

Intake form provided in advance to maximize session benefit. Includes post-appointment recording or written report.


$125/hour (by phone, online or in-person)

20% discount available for newly adopted or fostered dogs or animal welfare workers as per Services Overview page.

Distance Energy Healing & Animal Communication

A unique blend of techniques like distance Reiki, chakra balancing, meditation, and intuitive messaging. You submit questions, messages or concerns about your dog along with a few dog photos. I incorporate them into my session along with energy healing. Sessions can help dogs with physical health issues as well as anxiety or behavioral issues, though no session is a replacement for a veterinarian or dog trainer.




$77 with choice of written notes or 15-minute follow-up call

3-Month Health Coaching Program for Dogs & People

(Initial 15-minute phone consultation is free. Sessions can be for dogs & people together or separate when needed. By phone, online or in person.)


- two 90-minute sessions first month followed by two 60-minute sessions per month for months 2 & 3, totaling 6 sessions with the option to renew

- distance energy work for dogs before or after each session during the package when requested

- short-term and long-term goal setting within the areas of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health for you and your animals

- joint strategizing to meet your goals

- written session recaps, including progress report

- weekly availability to support you and your animal’s health journey, answer questions, find and help you evaluate any new products or lifestyle choices

- handouts/worksheets for suggested completion

- gift/giveaways upon completion of the program!


$997 total or $333/month


o Human-canine bonding

o Prevention strategies to reduce the risk of chronic diseases

o Diet and supplements

o Weight management

o Movement/Exercise regiment

o Reducing toxic load

o Senior care

o Arthritis, joint pain & mobility issues

o Behavioral issues, trauma, mental health &/or cognitive decline

o Anxiety & stress management

o Digestive issues and gut health

o Sleep

o Help finding the right vet, trainer &/or other practitioners

o Flea, tick, mosquito control or vaccination information

o Dog safety concerns (home, car, walking, dog park, boarding, in an emergency whether medical, natural disaster, pet theft/loss)

o Animal welfare concerns whether in the food chain of your dog’s diet or your dog’s welfare/responsible dog parenting

o Product choices (diet, exercise, play, travel, sleep)

o Alternative therapy questions and interest

o Energy healing

o Palliative/End-of-life care