What if you were able to extend your dog’s life?

And enhance your own?

You're busy, but you see your dog doesn't have that vitality he or she once had.

You worry about them aging and possibly getting sick.

You’re open to trying new things to optimize their health, but you don't know where to turn, what to do, nor what gaping holes exist in your knowledge of dog health and well-being.

Well, I learned this lesson the hard way....

My dog Django's cancer scare woke me up.

Then he started limping and was diagnosed with arthritis that I might've been able to prevent had I known more, sooner.

Then he developed tremors that might've been prevented had I run mineral tests beyond standard vet tests or had I done more natural rearing from the get-go to avoid monthly drugs with toxins that were pitched as the only method of illness prevention.

And now he is a deaf senior dog, but he thrives despite it all.

I’m here to share what I’ve learned in my studies and through work with many dogs, what I know from Django’s health journey and my own personal experience that includes some health emergencies,

and to help you avoid mistakes I made,

and navigate the confusing world of a million products and cautions.

When I studied nutrition and holistic health, I felt more equipped to help my dog and myself through different stages of life.

Now I have resources beyond what most doctors and vets offer. Now I know what I didn't know and have filled some gaping holes in healthcare & dog care. I have peace of mind that I've taken more control of my family's well-being and that I DO have control.

And now I make it my mission to share what I know with other dog parents to potentially save lives and add years of joyful living with more vitality, resilience and quality time.

I created this introductory course to help dog parents navigate dog parenting in a proactive way, with an integrative approach casting a wider net than conventional medicine tends to,

to fill in the blanks – or…. gaping holes as I see them – in pet care and our own standard healthcare that are left even after we spend thousands on insurance … and doctors’ visits … and vet visits …

and on food at the pet supply shop … and sometimes on prescriptions, too…

All the while, having the same ailments or seeing the same issues arise for our dogs over and over again - often with the same response from our healthcare providers.

Band aids …. to put out fires, essentially.

The same pharmaceutical for a problem that persists despite its use.

Some might argue using the same remedy over and over for a problem that persists and expecting a different result is the definition of crazy. 

Now imagine if you were able to extend your dog’s life while enhancing your own.

Well, that’s exactly what you can do with my new course. Holistic Health 101 For Dogs & Dog Parents: A Roadmap To Make The Best Decisions For Longevity & Quality Of Life  

It’s briefly on sale at a discount for a select few to help me finalize it, but it will be promoted and on sale for the general public in February, so stay tuned if you miss the $93 offer.

Wishing you and your dogs long health spans … and that you see this opportunity toward that end.


